Daily Shrimad Bhagavad Gita reading D1 (English) || I Seek I Study|| Best Spiritual way to Start Day

Daily Shrimad Bhagavad Gita reading D1 (English)

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita reading

Shrikrishna Paramatmane Namah

To please Shrikrishna, to get love and grace of ShriBhagavaan and for welfare of entire creation, Today I (Your Gotra and Name) , am reading 10 verses of Gita.


Paarthaaya Pratibodhitaam Bhagavataam Naaraayanena Swayam |
Vyaasena grathitaam Puraanmuninaa madhye mahaabhaaratam ||
Adwetaamrutavarshinim Bhagavatimashtaadashaadhyaayinim |
Amba twaamanusandadhaami Bhagavadgite Bhavadweshinim ||
Gite jnaanamayee twameva krupayaa madbodhagamyaa bhava |
Vaani Nrutyatu me tathaiva sarasaa jihvaagrabhaage sadaa ||
Vasudevasutam devam kamsachanuramardanam |
Devakiparamaanandam krishnam vande jagatgurum ||

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita
Atha Prathamodhyaayah

dhṛtarāṣṭra uvāca
dharmakṣētrē kurukṣētrē samavētā yuyutsavaḥ.
māmakāḥ pāṇḍavāścaiva kimakurvata sañjaya৷৷1.1৷৷
sañjaya uvāca
dṛṣṭvā tu pāṇḍavānīkaṅ vyūḍhaṅ duryōdhanastadā.
ācāryamupasaṅgamya rājā vacanamabravīt৷৷1.2৷৷
paśyaitāṅ pāṇḍuputrāṇāmācārya mahatīṅ camūm.
vyūḍhāṅ drupadaputrēṇa tava śiṣyēṇa dhīmatā৷৷1.3৷৷
atra śūrā mahēṣvāsā bhīmārjunasamā yudhi.
yuyudhānō virāṭaśca drupadaśca mahārathaḥ৷৷1.4৷৷
dhṛṣṭakētuścēkitānaḥ kāśirājaśca vīryavān.
purujitkuntibhōjaśca śaibyaśca narapuṅgavaḥ৷৷1.5৷৷
yudhāmanyuśca vikrānta uttamaujāśca vīryavān.
saubhadrō draupadēyāśca sarva ēva mahārathāḥ৷৷1.6৷৷
asmākaṅ tu viśiṣṭā yē tānnibōdha dvijōttama.
nāyakā mama sainyasya saṅjñārthaṅ tānbravīmi tē৷৷1.7৷৷
bhavānbhīṣmaśca karṇaśca kṛpaśca samitiñjayaḥ.
aśvatthātmā vikarṇaśca saumadattistathaiva ca৷৷1.8৷৷
anyē ca bahavaḥ śūrā madarthē tyaktajīvitāḥ.
nānāśastrapraharaṇāḥ sarvē yuddhaviśāradāḥ৷৷1.9৷৷
aparyāptaṅ tadasmākaṅ balaṅ bhīṣmābhirakṣitam.
paryāptaṅ tvidamētēṣāṅ balaṅ bhīmābhirakṣitam৷৷1.10৷৷

Dhritarashtra said What did my people and the sons of Pandu do when they had assembled together eager for battle on the holy plain of Kurukshetra, O Sanjaya.
Sanjaya said Having seen the army of the Pandavas drawn up in battle-array, King Duryodhana then approached his teacher (Drona) and spoke these words.
“Behold, O Teacher! this mighty army of the sons of Pandu, arrayed by the son of Drupada, thy wise disciple.
Here are heroes, mighty archers, eal in battle to Bhima and Arjuna, Yuyudhana (Satyaki), Virata and Drupada, of the great car (mighty warriors).
Dhrishtaketu, chekitana and the valiant king of Kasi, Purujit and Kuntibhoja and Saibya, the best men.
The strong Yodhamanyu and the brave Uttamaujas, the son of Subhadra (Abhimanyu, the son of Subhadra and Arjuna), and the sons of Draupadi, all of great chariots (great heroes).
Know also, O best among the twice-born! the names of those who are the most distinguished amongst ourselves, the leaders of my army; these I name to thee for thy information.
Thyself and Bhishma, and Karna and also Kripa, the victorious in war, Asvatthama, Vikarna, and also Bhurisrava, the son of Somadatta.
And also many other heroes who are ready to give up their lives for my sake, armed with various weapons and missiles, all well-skilled in battle.
This army of ours marshalled by Bhishma is insufficient, whereas that army of theirs marshelled by Bhima is sufficient.

yatra yōgēśvaraḥ kṛṣṇō yatra pārthō dhanurdharaḥ.
tatra śrīrvijayō bhūtirdhruvā nītirmatirmama৷৷

AparaadhaSahasraani kriyanteharnisham mayaa |
Putroyamiti maam matvaa kshamaswa parameshvara

Shrikrishna arpanam astu

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